Historic Vote

The voting period has officially ended. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Proposal Details

You are voting on the following proposal:

Establishing a Public Governance Venue and Voting Proxy
Snapshot Time (GMT)
April 21, 2024, 8:00:00pm
Snapshot Ledger Sequence
Stellar: 51,340,493
Ethereum: 19,706,027
Voting Begins (GMT)
April 22, 2024, 8:00:00pm
Voting Ends (GMT)
April 26, 2024, 8:00:00pm

This proposal asks whether a public venue be established for the submission and discussion of SHx governance proposals by SHx holders.

SHx holders who are bound by the requirements of the StrongholdNET terms of membership are not invited to participate in this venue.


Wider SHx holdership should be able to discuss, curate, and submit proposals that are put to a a governance vote. A public venue, such as a forum, could be created that allows for the public to discuss proposals. Should this proposal pass, Stronghold will engage with the community to determine a suitable form/software and implement such a venue.

Guidance or rules for how proposals become eligible for a vote are not set forth by this proposal, and are suggested to be a topic for future votes.

Secondly, StrongholdNET members, or other parties bound by the requirements of the StrongholdNET terms of membership, are required to provide feedback and rule change suggestions via the channels established in the terms of membership. Due to this requirement, these parties will not be able to participate in the the newly created venue, nor are they able to participate in SHx governance directly.

To ensure that the voice of the StrongholdNET members are heard in governance proposals, Stronghold seeks to oversee the establishment and administration of a voting proxy, whereby Stronghold can vote on behalf of members according to the relevant terms of membership. Stronghold will not make its own vote via this proxy.

Voting Notes

The vote contains two questions. The first asks whether a public venue be established for the submission and discussion of SHx governance proposals by SHx holders who are not bound by the requirements of the StrongholdNET terms of membership. The second asks whether a proxy voter be established and administered by Stronghold that is able to vote on behalf of StrongholdNET members, and is taken into account only if the first question passes by simple majority.

If the proposal's first question passes, then the proxy voter is established if the second question also passes by simple majority.
